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     作为一名大学生,雅思5分, 雅思5.5分都是很好过的,最难的是 雅思7分,恰恰我申请的学校要求 雅思总分7分。算算分,就很难, 雅思总分要达到7分, 雅思写作和口语都不能低于6分,那 雅思听力和 雅思阅读必要达到8分, 雅思7分应该还可以,但是 雅思8分太难了,那也只有 雅思写作和 雅思口语能上6.5分,两门最好,至少其中一门要达到 雅思6.5分。


   之前我在一个 雅思培训学校做过测试,说我相当于 雅思5-- 雅思5.5分的水平,需要 雅思7分,他们就给我推荐了5个月的 雅思课程,收费要7万,说是VIP 雅思小班,更有针对性,这个价格,这个时间是我无法接受的。

   后来,在网上就搜,无意中搜到了麦考瑞雅思,他们不做广告,但是 雅思老学员的评价很好,就周围打听了下,知道这个 雅思学校的不多,终于问到几个,评价很高,看来这个 雅思学校真的知道的不多,但是知道的都说好。


1、每个雅思老师都像收租婆和收租先生,下午都会布置 雅思作业,然后会来检查,每天都要默写 雅思单词。别看这个事不大,但是却是很多 雅思学校根本做不到的,也懒得做的。每天被 雅思老师这样赶着走,积少成多, 雅思单词量无意中就增加了很多,这也为我的 雅思阅读7.5分和 雅思写作7分奠定了非常坚实的 雅思词汇基础。

2、 雅思口语课程量大,练习机会多。麦考瑞雅思有一套自己的雅思口语练习体系,有 雅思口语技巧课, 雅思口语训练课,还有外教模拟 雅思考试课,层层相扣, 雅思老师会给我指导,还会让我们一个个的 雅思口语练习,当场给纠错,等我们熟练了,到了 雅思冲刺班的时候还有外教提前暖场,提前 雅思口语测试。

3、麦考瑞雅思是保分退费的,我打听过很多 雅思学校,只有麦考瑞雅思敢于这样承诺,教学相长吧,都是一种双向的压力,所以,有了考勤、作业完成这些硬性的压力,让我们也就更自觉的学习,虽然我们不是为了退费而去学习的,但是给了很大的心理安全感,很多同学也都是这样的感觉,所以 雅思学习氛围特别好。

4、麦考瑞雅思像高复班,完全是高考的节奏,晚上免费提供晚 雅思自习教室,还有专业的雅思老师给予免费辅导,这在其他的 雅思学校都是不可能得到的待遇,我们每天早晨7点从宿舍出来,晚上9点才回去,回去通常还要学校1个半小时,这样,一天就有14.5小时在 雅思学习,这样的 雅思学习强度是任何一个雅思学校都做不到的,一分耕耘一分收获,最终我考到了雅思7分,7分就是每天将近15个小时血泪史,但是痛并快乐着。



Describe an unforgettable advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked).

You should say:

where you saw or heard it

what kind of advertisement it was

what the contents of the advertisement were (or, what product or service was advertised)

and explain how you felt when you saw or heard this advertisements why you liked it.


· In general, what are the pros and cons of advertising?

· Do you think there's too much advertising in our daily lives?

· Do people in your country like advertisements?

· In what ways do advertisements influence people?

· What are the different forms of advertising that we have in society today?

· Which of those do you think is the most effective means of advertising?

· Do you think most advertisements achieve their purpose? (Why? I Why not?)

· What types of advertisements do people remember most (or, best)?

· Some people say that the high cost of advertising adds to the price of products and that if

advertising was (were) banned, this would make products cheaper. Do you agree?

· Do you think the government should have more (or stricter) control over (or, regulations

concerning) advertising?

· Do children pay attention to (or, like) advertisements?

· What do you think is the impact of advertising on children?

· Do you think advertising a certain product can ever have negative effects?

· What about adverting tobacco and alcohol - do you think these products should be advertised

at all (or regulated)?

· Do you think the brand of a product is important to people?

· For the producer (the company that makes a product), what are the advantages of having a

well-known brand name?


Describe a time that you and your friend had a disagreement.

You should say:

When this happened

Who you disagreed with

What you and your friend argued about

and if you two solved the disagreement in the end.


· How do usually feel when others disagree with you?

· Do you like to hear different opinions?

· Do schools in China teach critical thinking?

· How should young people communicate with old people?

· Are you a person who often disagrees with others?

· Why do we sometimes think a chat will be boring if there is only agreements?


Describe a law about environment you would like to see in the future.

You should say:

What this law would be about

How this law will take effects

Why it is important to have this law

and what changes will happen because of this law.


· Why do schools make rules?

· What’s the importance of obeying law?

· What can parents and teachers do to help children follow rules?

· Is it a good thing to break rules sometimes?

· Why do some people say that rules are made to be broken?

· Do you think children should follow all kinds of rules?

· Do you think it is necessary for children to wear sch




